Molly’s Living WELL Story

There’s a common misconception that gastroparesis cannot or does not get better.  The fact is, it can and often does. I’ve received countless emails and messages from people who were diagnosed with gastroparesis, some of whom were VERY sick, whose experience has dramatically improved or even resolved.  I’ve decided to share some of these stories — exactly as written, with permission — to illustrate that it IS possible to truly live WELL after a GP diagnosis.

These stories are meant to illustrate the dynamic nature of a gastroparesis diagnosis. They are not meant as medical advice or a template for your own healing.  Each person’s journey toward living well and/or getting well is unique. However, having worked with hundreds of people with gastroparesis, there are certainly common themes and practices that you’ll notice again and again. 

Molly’s Story

Hello Crystal –

I hope you are feeling great and enjoying that lovely little girl! I was diagnosed with GP and SIBO roughly three years ago; I was fortunate enough to find your books shortly after. I took your classes, followed the recommended diet, cut out FODMAPS, practiced yoga, went for acupuncture weekly and exercised as much as my body could tolerate.

It’s odd to think back on that first year when weight seemed to fall off overnight, pain was constant and the nausea; oh my the nausea. It seems like a different person. I suppose it really was.

A second bit of luck was finding a fantastic and compassionate motility specialist. I was seeing my motility specialist every other month as my weight was dangerously low and she’s really that good. She added domperidone to my treatment plan as part of a university study.

About one year into my journey, the crutches I needed to get through my days slowly fell away. First it I weened myself off PPIs, then the Iberogast. I started to gain weight, had more energy. I took a hard look at the relationships in my life and cut out toxic people. I added a bit more fat into my diet. A smidgen more fiber on good days. And then there were a lot of good days.

I stopped taking zofran. My BMI got back into a healthy range. I cut my domperidone dosage in half. I ate some raw fruit. It didn’t make me sick. I had a glass of red wine. I didn’t hurt. I took off the nausea pressure bands and was fine.

This has been my recovery process. Three years of ups and downs; tears and triumphs. As of today I am back to my pre-GP weight – a whopping 112 pounds. I know I am small but from where I was as my sickest I feel like a sumo wrestler! I take one 10 mg domperidone tablet in the morning and sometimes before bed – if I remember.

I still juice and adore my Vitamix, but not because I need to, because it is healthy. There are still ginger packets tucked in all of my various handbags and pockets; but I rarely need them. I earned my 200 hr. yoga certification and teach three times a week. I take kickboxing with my husband. I help at my son’s swim meets. We travel everywhere and I don’t panic at the thought of ‘how will I eat outside of my house.’

I’m still careful, very careful, with my diet. I haven’t attempted a salad yet, or my favorite, apples. But I will get there. Today I ate yogurt with some granola and raw blueberries – crazy to even consider not so long ago. I was fine. I stick to small portions, am gluten free, drink my orgain and have decided that I am getting better.

I wanted to share this with you because for a long time I read your blogs and Facebook posts hoping and praying to read about someone getting better. A tiny glimmer of hope that GP can go into remission. I won’t be so bold to say I’m recovered or cured. I don’t know what the future holds. I still have many food related fears directly related to GP to surmount, but I will. I will eat an apple, and it will be soon. And I will be fine.


I checked in with Molly 8 months later to see if she was still doing well… 

Hi Crystal!

Yes! I’m doing very well. I am completely off domperidone and now only take magnesium and ginger chews as needed.

I was actually going to email you to share some information that other GPers might need to know. According to my motility specialist the European Union has limited the use of domperidone significantly. No more than 30mgs a day…before it was without restriction. The study I was in followed these guidelines – drastically cutting many patients’ dosages. I felt like I was doing well enough that my needs did not exceed the risk.

I am still careful with what I eat ( gluten free, low FODMAP…) and there are days where I’m eating macro bars and Orgain to give my stomach a rest, but otherwise I’m feeling really good. One other big life change I made was I quit my very stressful job as a child psychologist. I now teach yoga and I’m in the process of opening a photography business!

I hope you are well – your little one is adorable!




Ellen’s Living WELL Story


Karyn’s Living WELL Story