Megan’s Living WELL Story

There’s a common misconception that gastroparesis cannot or does not get better.  The fact is, it can and often does. I’ve received countless emails and messages from people who were diagnosed with gastroparesis, some of whom were VERY sick, whose experience has dramatically improved or even resolved.  I’ve decided to share some of these stories on my blog to illustrate that it IS possible to truly live WELL after a GP diagnosis.

These stories are meant to illustrate the dynamic nature of a gastroparesis diagnosis. They are not meant as medical advice or a template for your own healing.  Each person’s journey toward living well and/or getting well is unique. However, having worked with hundreds of people with gastroparesis, there are certainly common themes and practices that you’ll notice again and again. 

Megan’s Story

After Megan was diagnosed with idiopathic gastroparesis in 2016, her physical and mental health began to spiral. She was very sick and very scared as she constantly scoured the internet for answers as to why this had happened to her and how she could fix it.

Five years later, Megan still has gastroparesis but her experience of it is totally different. She's now eating things she never thought she'd eat again, but far more importantly, she's free of the fear that used to consume her. In our chat, Megan talks about how she got to this place and shares her advice for those who are currently struggling.

If this discussion resonates with you, I highly encourage you to check out The Little School of Big Change. It's a 6-week live, interactive course that dives deep into the "inside out" way that our experience really works.


All About Gastroparesis & Pregnancy


The One Resource I Wish I'd Had...